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English Castles

The first English castles began to appear about a thousand years ago. They were built for diverse purposes, but the most important was to prevent any further Viking raids, French invasions, Scottish raids and importantly, to show England its own magnificence. That's one of the main reasons why William the Conqueror ordered The Tower of London built.

Following is a list of the most important English castles that were built during the Middle Ages.

The Tower of London - The history of the Tower of London from the first who built it to its use today.

Bodiam Castle - Bodiam castle was mostly symbolical. It was built during a very dangerous time in England: The Hundred Years War. An invasion never occurred, but this castle still proved to be an important place to hold troops.

Raby Castle - One of the most beautiful English castles.

Scarborough Castle, England - Scarborough Castle,England was a very large estate where Qeen or King ruled.

Bailey Castle - Very well built.Pics are amazing. Got this info from

Windsor Castle - It is a though it is a fairytale castle. With gorgeous towers it is as though you are in Cinderella's castle!

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